● I have recently completed a 13-week intensive Software Development Bootcamp in JavaScript.
● I gained practical experience in full-stack JavaScript development through project-based learning, including building RESTful APIs, using databases, practising TDD, and collaborating in Agile environments through pair programming and sprints.
1. Late Plate:
● Created as a group, this is an app for people who want to eat out but have missed the chance to book a table in advance.
● It uses the user’s location to give them access to the restaurants near them and make a booking for a table on the same day once a restaurant catches their eye.
● We also created a Restaurant Staff side web app where the staff can create and manage restaurants, tables and bookings.
2. NC News:
● A Full-Stack application mimicking a news website, which draws information from a database of users, articles, topics and comments (backend), and displays them on the appropriate pages for the user to see (frontend).