● Cleaning datasets using Numpy and Pandas libraries.
● Using the BeatifulSoup library to extract appropriate information from websites (web-scrapping, web-crawling).
● Matching the information obtained by web-crawling with datasets.
● AB testing (A/B testing or split testing) is a statistical experimentation process used to compare two or more versions and determine which version performs better.
● In this project, the datasets are handled in two different ways as control and test. After the control and test datasets are examined, they are brought together. AB hypotheses are defined and then Assumption Checks are performed.
● Shapiro test for normality assumption, levene test for variance homogeneity are created.In this project, two sample t test was applied if the assumptions are met.
Association Rule Based Recommender System.
● Association Rule Based Recommender System can be defined as a type of recommender system that provides product recommendations based on users' past purchases or preferences. In this project, the quanity and price values are notimportant for us, and the suppression process is applied according to the z-scores of the variables.
● Rules are determined for the targeted customer groups, and then product recommendations are made to the target audience with the mlxtend library.